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會員需登入並消費滿 HKD 2000.00,即享全單 8 折優惠。請注意,此優惠不能與折扣商品同時使用。實際折扣金額會於結帳時自動扣除,有效期至 2025-10-30。


HKD 3,880.00




40年代的景泰藍飾物,充滿中西合璧文化色彩的工藝,當時西方喜歡翡翠雕刻,也喜歡景泰藍,做成蝴蝶胸針都形狀更是洋人常戴的裝飾。一群當時民國頂尖的藝術家以自己幾近失傳的手藝創作出許多根據洋人品味製作的首飾出口西方,九鳥蛙有幸再從英國購回,當時人手工藝細緻配色運用切當,實屬難得珍品。 景泰藍,學名銅胎掐絲琺瑯,又稱燒青,是金屬胎嵌搪瓷工藝在中國衍生出來的一個獨立品種。世傳此物大行於景泰年間,晚清古董行沿用此說,命名為「景泰琺瑯」或「景泰瑯」。後來又因其所用搪瓷釉料多為月藍色,且「瑯」「藍」音近,訛變為「景泰藍」。 製作景泰藍時,要先將掐製成所需形狀的扁銅絲銲接在銅胎上,在據此劃分而成的空格內填入各種顏色的琺琅漿,後經焙燒成型。(來源自維基百科) 尺寸:45x30mm




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-The items we sell are antiques or vintage items, some are old new inventory while others may be preowned, whatever the item is preowned or not, a certain amount of wear is inevitable given its age. -We do not accept returns or refunds regarding product conditions. -Although we have cleaned or repaired most of the items we sell, there may have defects, stains, scratches and/or tarnish. -Some imperfect product photos or description that we determined as insignificant will be omitted. -For the age and nature of the items we sell, we do not sell on guaranteed. We tried best to describe every items accurately based on experienced antique dealers with their expertise and experience. -We do not accept returns unless customer present evidence that the purchased item is grossly miss-represented. -For brand products, we guarantee authenticity and we accept returns if customer find evidence that the purchased product was counterfeit. -All the Antique or vintage watch/ clocks we sell do run when examined, but has not been cleaned or serviced by us. -We never guaranteed on time accuracy. Generally, antique or vintage watches / clocks experience an error of 5-7 minutes a day. Any accuracy of +- 5 minutes is very good. -All the Antique or vintage watch/ clocks we sell do run when examined, most of them are cleaned or serviced by us, otherwise will mentioned separately. -We will not accept any refunds or returns on antique or vintage watches/ clocks items whatever reasons, price already reflect this. -We will provide 1-yr non-artificial warranty service on watches items, unless stated that the watch already have problems before purchase. -Please see photos for full details. Item sold as is, as shown. -Colors may vary due to lighting during photos and the difference between screens, please take this into consideration when purchasing, we do not accept returns or refunds regarding this. -Please do not hesitate to ask any questions before purchasing. -No returns if the item is damaged or resized. You must return an item in the same condition as it was received.  -If you have any problems or not satisfied with your purchase, please contact us.
